Bitter hostile pavement
Cold cold cold
Forgotten but not forgiven
Anger eroded to apathy
Hated and hurting.
The smell of desperation turning away politer nostrils
Begging, for money, for understanding, for a moment of time.
Hand to mouth, hand to mouth, hand to mouth.
Cardboard string and scraps - a home fit for a beggar
Desolate, despised, disowned.
Dirt and dustbins, home and help
A fitting feast for a forgotten fellow
Turn away, walk away, cold, cold, cold
Useless and used up. ignored and ignoble.
Spare some change. Change awareness
Change minds change lives,
Change the system. Change the world.
Hopes dashed against the concrete of an open skied prison
The urban fox a more welcome dinner guest.
A crime against society or a crime of society
Deprived of much more than a place to live.
A groundhog day begins with the smell of diesel and upturned rubbish
A dawn chorus of binmen clattering and shouting to awake the dead.
The homeless arise: Dead men walking.
An old carrier bag as a picture of a life
Unwanted and un-noticed it floats past on the breeze
It’s whole reason-to-be somewhere in the past.
The day as long as the desire to live it
Then retreat. To bed or the bottle or the back of the mind.
How to hide from the horror and loneliness?
hand to mouth, hand to mouth.
Scraping by,
Where there’s a will there’s a way.
Scraping a living,
Where there’s a way there’s hope.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel,
Hope against hope in hell.
The foxes have holes, and the birds have nests;
But the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head.